SHENZHEN HA LI SEMICONDUCTOR TRADING CO LTD Founded in 2017, is one of the largest independent stocking distributors of electronic components and global procurement services, providing comprehensive supply chain solutions to OEMs and contract manufacturers worldwide.
Our specialty is locating hard-to-find, obsolete, end-of-life (EOL) and highly allocated components with long lead times. When you work with HA LI SEMICONDUCTOR TRADING, you’re working with a full-service supplier. We are focused on supporting customers throughout the complete supply chain lifecycle.
We leverage our extensive range of trusted suppliers to stock obsolete and current components. Our vast onsite inventory houses only brand-new products from many in-demand high-tier manufacturers. HA LI SEMICONDUCTOR TRADING is backed by a global team of highly experienced and dedicated professionals that live and breathe the products your business demands.
We have many manufacturer lines allowing us to carry a wide range of products. Between our manufacturers we offer Integrated circuit, batteries, connectors and terminal blocks, capacitors and resistors, displays, fans, hardware, socket, terminals, pins, power cords, wire and cable, and much more. we look forward to providing our customers with the best service. Please Contact Us with any questions about products.